Daniel Maier-Reimer Luca Vitone Ina Arzensek en

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Daniel Maier-Reimer's walk along the Great Wall of China,
presented by Luca Vitone

and two works by Ina Arzensek

As part of the group exhibition

Stefan Vogel with Carina Brandes
Daniel Maier-Reimer & Luca Vitone with Ina Arzensek
Luca Vitone with Giovanni Oberti
Margherita Moscardini with Juan Pablo Macias
Federico Cavallini with Enzo Umbaca

Curated by Emily Barsi and Alessandra Poggianti.

Opening 12.1.2018

Exhibition 12.2.018 - 1.20.2019

Lucca – Toscana, Italien

In 2015 Daniel Maier-Reimer asked the artist Luca Vitone to give shape to the journey "Great Wall, China 2001" at an exhibition at Galerie Clages in Cologne. Luca Vitone reproduced the only existing photo of the journey as poster in unlimited edition for wallpapering walls and rooms. The reproduction, an offset print on Affichen paper, 32 x 48 cm, stands in true scale 1:1 to the photo, but it is full of blurriness and colour shifts.

In TERZOPIANO three walls of a room were wallpapered with this poster. The fourth wall of the room remained empty and untreated. Following the concept of the curators Emily Barsi and Alessandra Poggianti, Daniel Maier-Reimer invited another artist: Ina Arzensek added two works to the room.

Documentation of the room:

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bei trockenem Untergrund, auf einem Boden, auf dem man es wahrnehmen könnte:


es seine Form
finden lassen

su un suolo asciutto, su una superficie, sulla quale possa essere percepita:


prendere forma

Left: Daniel Maier-Reimer's walk along the Great Wall of China, presented by Luca Vitone (poster, wallpapered room). Right: Ina Arzensek, formulation for a work (translation into Italian by Emily Barsi).

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an einem Ort, an dem man allein ist und es eine klare Scheibe gibt, auf Sichthöhe:

eine Form
gegen die Scheibe


in un luogo dove non c'è nessuno, su una parete di vetro, ad altezza d'uomo:

una forma
sul vetro


Left: Daniel Maier-Reimer's walk along the Great Wall of China, presented by Luca Vitone (poster, wallpapered room). Right: Ina Arzensek, formulation for a work (translation into Italian by Emily Barsi).

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Assistance and realization of the works: Till Krause
Thanks to Emily Barsi, Lavinia Fazzi, Nicola Maier-Reimer, Alessandro Pardossi, Alessandra Poggianti, and Terzopiano.

Further installations of "Daniel Maier-Reimer's walk along the Great Wall of China, presented by Luca Vitone", can be found here
