Daniel Maier-Reimer Florence city boundary line Till Krause en

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Walk following the Florence city boundary line,
presented by Paolo Ermini / Till Krause

2013, Villa Romana, Florence, Italy

All pages of the newspaper Corriere Fiorentino, anno VI, n. 30 with the accompanying copy Corriere della Sera, anno 138, n. 26, in which Paolo Ermini showed Daniel Maier-Reimer's journey "Walk following the Florence city boundary line 2012", are put on one wall. Dimensions variable (in relation to the respective wall), 2013.

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Page from a letter of Till Krause to Daniel Maier-Reimer in Florence

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Villa Romana, Florence, on the wall: Un viaggio lungo il confine della città di Firenze 2012 (Walk following the Florence city boundary line). In the foreground: sculptures by Shannon Bool.

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Detail from the Corriere della Sera, anno 138, n. 26 with Daniel Maier-Reimer's photo of the journey "Walk following the Florence city boundary line", set by Paolo Ermini.

Installation photographs: Daniel Maier-Reimer
